In the ancient myth of Tithonus, the eponymous protagonist asks the gods to live forever but forgets to demand eternal youth. Although he gained immortality, the diseases of old age eventually defeat Tithonus, and he bitterly regrets his immortality.
While achieving longevity is a goal worth pursuing and an ambition that humankind has harbored since the times of Ancient Greece, the myth of Tithonus reminds us that a long life has little value if riddled with disease.
As human life expectancy increases, the world population is aging at much higher rates. In fact, the United Nations estimate that the senior population – that is, the number of people aged 60 and above – is increasing at a rate of approximately 3 percent per year. Currently, there are 962 million people aged 60 and above across the globe, according to the most recent estimates. By the year 2050, this number is projected to more than double, and the number of people aged 80 and above is expected to triple with a range of chronic diseases accompanying it.
So, the question “how can we live longer and healthier lives?” is slowly replacing that of “how can we live longer?” As our scientists embark on the quest for a longer healthspan, it is becoming clearer that aging is not just an inevitable process that simply “happens,” but that there are precise molecular mechanisms that regulate it.

For decades we have been able to expand our lifespan, but at the same time we haven't done a great job at making healthspan match up with lifespan, which is actually miserable, unbelievably costly - and downright frightening.
James Troch, Chief Executive Officer
Xenohormesis, a combination of the prefix xeno- (for stranger) with hormesis (a protective response induced by mild stress), is a biological principle that explains how environmentally stressed plants produce bioactive compounds that can confer stress resistance and survival benefits to animals that consume them.
The xenohormetic plant compounds can, when ingested, improve longevity and fitness by activating the animal’s cellular stress response and can be applied in drug discovery, drug production, nutritional enhancement of diet and even cosmetics.
At Perpetuum, we extract and isolate these xenohormetics via an artificial intelligence-led approach which enables us to rapidly identify numerous compounds of interest that able to activate gerosuppressor genes and trigger numerous anti-aging transcriptomic signatures. As such, these plant-produced gerosuppressant agents, molecularly “repair” the various aimless (and harmful) pathway-driven quasi-programs that lead to aging and aging-related diseases.
We’ve identified the key transcriptomic signatures that are involved in aging. As a matter of fact, aging is most definitely accompanied by poor lifestyle choises that negatively impact the aging process. It is a process that accelerates under continuous xenogenous and endogenous stress factor exposure.
At Perpetuum, we believe in bringing solutions to the public with the aim of preventing diseases rather than treating them, because we share the common mindset that treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable. Our nutraceutical solutions are developed to be implemented in a healthy lifestyle and should be seen as preventative measures.